We offer Services with Fluvanna.

Jacques Yves Cousteau

Are you ready to dive in?

training at your speed and around your schedule

Dive Center News

Fluvanna Dive Center is now a 5 Star Instructor Development Center. What does this mean? It means we are A PADI 5 Star IDC (Instructor Development Center) top-tier dive facility recognized for its commitment to excellence in diver training, professionalism, and environmental responsibility. Our center not only offers the full range of PADI courses, from beginner to professional levels, but we also specialize in preparing aspiring dive instructors through the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC). Equipped with high-quality facilities, experienced Course Directors, and a strong focus on safety and conservation, our PADI 5 Star IDC Center provides an exceptional learning environment for those looking to turn their passion for diving into a career. Whether you’re a new diver seeking certification or an experienced one aiming to teach, our center ensures the highest standards in scuba education and instructor development.

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Our Services

We offer a wide variety of services in our dive center. In addition to our large and diverse number of training opportunities, gear repair and rental, we take the time to find gear best suited to you–for comfort, budget, and your diving needs. We work with you to tailor your gear acquisitions to what you want and how you want to dive. Do you want to design your own BCD, configure your regulator with those lengths that fit you, or set up an optimally functional and streamlined ‘rig’ and then try it all out in our pool? Contact Us to discuss your goals, and how we might help you, based on the extensive experience and expertise of our staff.

Dive Classes

Start a new adventure and learn how to dive! If you are already certified, learn new skills and have fun along the way as you further your dive education. We offer small group (a maximum of 6, and preferably no more than 4, students) and private / individual courses, conducted in our own heated, indoor pool.

Upcoming Trips

Through dive travel, people witness firsthand the beauty of coral reefs, the diversity of marine life, and the delicate balance of underwater ecosystems. Moreover, it promotes cultural exchange, as divers often engage with local communities and gain a greater appreciation for coastal regions worldwide. By experiencing the wonders beneath the surface, dive travel inspires stewardship and encourages efforts to protect our oceans for future generations. Join us on one of our many adventures

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Get in Touch

Reach out to us easily for any questions, inquiries, or collaborations. We’re here to listen and assist you. Contact us today!

What our customers are saying about us

A significant advantage of offering scuba diving experiences through our platform is leveraging positive feedback and reducing the hurdles divers face when booking their dives.
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- Gabby Salamone
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque libero.”
- Gabby Salamone
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque libero.”
- Gabby Salamone
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque libero.”
- Gabby Salamone